The Moment You Decide Yourself...

As Mark Twain said “ The secret of getting ahead is getting started!” . Decide the real you, you do not need any affirmations from others. Decide to be beautiful inside out. Getting real is not easy to do especially in a world where you have to fit in…but you do not need to fit in either, in a contrary with all the things I’ve learned and encountered it is better to keep your circle small thus keeping the real ones that truly accept you as YOU!

The moment you decide yourself to be beautiful…everything follows. The physical aspects of taking care of your body and soul. You do not have to wait until the time you are wrinkly and decide what you want to do with yourself. Life is full of mysteries and decisions…if you are not up to it then you will be left by the train:-) to be an old misery!

Pamper. Live and breathe. Life is too precious and beautiful not to enjoy. Decide to be happy and feed the soul with good food for thoughts. Be contented always. I found out that the secret to happiness is real contentment. Decide yourself to be happy and destined to be the person God wants you to be.

Wake up beautiful. Living in grace and blessed! The next chapter is going to be amazing!

Love always,


Dimples Ceniza